Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “uneven state of full physical, mental and emotional well-being” and not simply the absence of illness and infirmity. Various definitions have been applied over the years for various purposes. These can include a person’s physical health or his mental health. Mental health is more important than physical health in most ways, since the latter is often times neglected and taken for granted. Thus, mental health can have a tremendous impact on the physical and mental wellness of an individual.
People who do not have the proper balance of mental and physical wellness experience numerous health problems such as chronic headaches, back pain, depression, anxiety, social isolation, sleep disorders, stomach issues, and the like. These health problems are often triggered by stress, environmental factors, and other external factors. These can prevent the individual from living a healthy, complete, and well-balanced life and therefore can lead to a poor quality of life and cause physical illness and disease. It can also lead to other serious health concerns that can affect the ability to perform tasks in work and at home.
An individual’s lifestyle is a major factor in his or her health. Individuals who consume a lot of sugary foods and smoke cigarettes are at higher risk of getting illnesses such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. These illnesses are associated with a physically unhealthy lifestyle which can lead to long term sickness and even death. Thus, individuals who do not make an effort to live a healthy lifestyle are at high risk of getting ill and may shorten their lives prematurely.
Another way to achieve good health is through a healthy diet and regular exercise. A diet that includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, and lean meats is essential in maintaining a healthy body. These foods help in controlling physical and mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, and other psychological disorders. Moreover, individuals who eat healthy foods are less likely to develop diseases such as heart disease and hypertension, which are common among those who consume high saturated fat and cholesterol contents in their diet.
Another way of achieving good health is through taking control over one’s environment. It has been found that a healthy diet, proper sleep, and a low intake of toxins can prevent many illnesses including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney stones, and cancer. In addition, it can also minimize the occurrence of some psychological conditions and illnesses such as depression, stress, anxiety, and other psychological disorders.
All these things are important in defining health. There is no single definition for all health. A number of concepts are associated with it and they include the four facets of wellbeing which are physical, psychological, social, and environmental. Each of these facets has their own implication in helping people lead a better quality of life. A healthy diet and regular exercise are important to keep the physical condition of an individual in good shape. Having a clean environment free from pollutants is also essential as this prevents mental illnesses such as depression, stress, anxiety, and other mental conditions.