What is the Definition of Healthy Aging?
Health is a condition where disease and infirmity aren’t present. It’s also a state where physical and mental well-being are at their highest. Over time a number of definitions have been given to describe the concept. The dictionary definition of health states that health is a condition in which the physical well-being of an individual is at its greatest.
However, a definition of good health would imply that good health should be the result of a mental and physical environment in which every person can flourish. This definition excludes individuals who are categorized as morbid, mentally ill or hyperactive. Good health is then defined as a state in which a person can live an active and healthy life despite the challenges that may come his or her way. It is an environment in which a person can achieve the maximum potential of his or her physical and mental faculties.
In line with this definition, it is also implied that a cure to any disease does not indicate a cure to the illness or to the body in general. In other words, a cure to some diseases would not necessarily indicate a cure to the cause of the illness. In other words, the absence of a particular disease or even a particular disease only indicates that the cause of the disease is not fully known. For instance, in the definition of good health, the absence of a disease doesn’t necessarily mean the absence of health.
So, in order to attain good health, an individual needs to have a healthy body, mind and spirit. A healthy body, mind and spirit could be achieved through a healthy diet and regular exercise. A healthy diet should be rich in fiber and low in fats, because these foods have been shown to improve one’s health status. The combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise has been found to be highly effective in maintaining a healthy weight. But to attain a healthy body and mind, chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer need to be controlled and monitored. A combination of drugs and complementary therapy has also been found to be highly effective.
The third aspect of good definition is managing disease. This means that in order to achieve a truly healthy state, an individual has to be proactive and take preventive measures. One of the biggest challenges facing healthier older adults is getting older, so managing disease becomes even more important. Managing disease means identifying the signs and symptoms of illness, managing the risk factors associated with illness and following a healthy lifestyle.
Public health professionals agree that the definition of healthy aging is intertwined with the quality of life and the availability of services needed to maintain a healthy existence. A key factor that contributes to healthy aging is the prevention of diseases that can lead to death. Older adults are at greater health risks than younger people. This risk is both due to the increased prevalence of chronic diseases and the fact that the elderly have lived a much longer and healthier life than younger people. As an increasing number of elderly population enters the age group defined as “unhealthy” for the general population, it is important for public health professionals to focus on ways to reduce this increasing problem. This focus has resulted in the development of various strategies to increase healthy living and decrease the age-related increase in mortality.