The word beauty has many definitions. However one of them that can be safely referred to as a universal definition is that beauty is the purest form of beauty. It also could also be referred to as the most appealing form of beauty. This definition is very much applicable not only to humans but also to all the animals on earth.
Beauty is widely defined as a subjective feature of living things that makes these living things pleasurable to see. These things could be flora, landscape, humans and other works of art. Beauty, along with aesthetic taste and art, is the central theme of aesthetics, another of the major branches of Philosophy.
Art experts define beauty according to the extent to which it enhances and develops the human condition. According to them, certain objects and events are more beautifying than others, which make them appealing to the senses. This appeal is enhanced even more when they fit in well with the person’s personality. We have known celebrities and fashion models to pose for long hours for photographers in order to gain that extra edge. In this sense, beauty, according to the experts is more than just a physical trait; rather it is a conscious effort to create beauty in our environment and among our peers.
In this ongoing quest for beauty, several questions about beauty keep cropping up. Questions like – What is beauty anyway? Is beauty subjective or does beauty have a concrete meaning that it cannot be dismissed by social media and fashion experts? Is beauty only a matter of physical appearance or is there something more to beauty than being pretty?
One of the answers to the last question is Yes. Excessive skin exposure, excessive smoking and the general unhealthy lifestyle of modern people have contributed towards creating an obsession for beauty. People want to look young and vibrant because this is what is expected of them. They do not want to look old or sick because that would mean that they have failed, which is something that society generally approves of. What has been seen as deviance or a transgression of societal norms is what society labels as beauty.
It is not just the over-exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays that contribute to this ‘wonder’ of modern society. It is also the ‘unhealthy’ lifestyles that people lead and the manner in which people dress that contribute to beauty. In some countries like Thailand women are not allowed to wear pants outside of the house, while in the West fashionable clothing is the choice of clothing for women. Fashion designers to contribute to the obsession for beauty. While most women are attracted to beautiful models and movie stars, they are also drawn to fashion designers who make their clothes beautiful through color, design and embellishments. Fashionable clothes do not necessarily have to be ugly looking, gaudy or even flashing when done well.